The State Board of Education has had a bullying policy (Safe Schools Program Guidelines, SS-A-007) in place since 2004, and it does not include a list of protected classes. It states, in part,

The Department of Public Instruction shall provide guidance and technical assistance to local boards of education to develop policies and procedures to prevent, intervene, investigate, document and report all forms of harassment, bullying, and discrimination. The State Board of Education shall require each LEA to designate an individual(s) to participate in the Department of Public Instruction training pertaining to anti-bullying, anti-harassment, and anti-discrimination. This individual(s) will provide leadership and training to the school district in developing policies and procedures.

This policy is clearly sufficient, but, as we know, the proposed bullying legislation has little to do with bullying and everything to do with advancing the agenda of organizations like GLSEN.

HT: Michael Lowrey