Yeah, Jon ? that “Liberal” Guilt is something, innit?
So naturally the film with the highest liberal guilt factor won Best Picture. The Associated Press says “Crash” won in one of the “biggest upsets in Academy Awards history.” They’ve got to be kidding us. “Crash” v. “Brokeback” was the clash of the mites, cinematographically speaking ? middling pictures easily dwarfed by their formidably earnest, Hollywood-correct politics.
If you want a truly noteworthy upset in Academy Awards history, it’d be “Crash” getting nominated over “Walk The Line” (among others).
Back when the nominations were announced, two of us at the LR ? Joseph Coletti and yours truly ? posted our own reviews of “Crash.” We didn’t give it two thumbs up, that’s for sure. We didn’t give it two thumbs down, either. It’d be more correct to say we gave that self-important waste of celluloid the Finger.
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