I had high hopes for the report. Yet, it did not take long to find the hidden agenda. Sara Mead, who worked for the Gore 2000 Presidential Campaign, had this to say,
The boy crisis offers an attractive way for conservative pundits to get in some knocks against feminism and progressive education and also provides another argument for educational policies-such as stricter discipline, more traditional curriculum, increased testing and competition, and single-sex schooling-that conservatives have long supported.
Here and throughout the report, Mead attacks Christina Hoff Sommers (author of “The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men), saving her most caustic comments for conservatives. In comparison, Mead’s critique of progressive educational ideas is less detailed, extremely weak, and is likely included only to make her appear objective.
When it comes to this report, I demand a recount.