John makes some good points about the pros and cons of a “miles per traveled user fee.” In the abstract, yes, technology should allow for a fair count of miles driven within the state by a given vehicle. But problems abound with respect to privacy, farm vehicles, actual vehicle impact on roads, weight classes, performance classes and/or passengers.
Vehicle weight has a direct affect on road wear. What about vehicles with just one passenger versus four or five passengers for 100 miles and 1 passenger for the next 200? And different tire footprints also affect wear and tear on roads. Series 50 (wide sports) tires would have a much greater impact than 85 series (narrower) tires. Would farm vehicles have such a system as they travel between farms on the roads or also be taxed for driving in fields hundreds of miles harvesting annually?
Having said that, such a tax is a great idea for advocates of SmartGrowth who wish to end the practice of commuting in our state to push for light-rail. Such a tax would also create greater opportunities for telecommuting as well. Would tourists to NC have to pay such a tax? Global Warming advocates are thrilled with the idea. But serious questions are endless.