N&R reports fired UNCG employee Lyda Carpen jas reached a settlement with the university:
Carpen, one of the “UNCG 3,” will get about $29,000 in salary and $9,000 in legal bills paid under a settlement she has reached with the university after she appealed her firing.
Seth Cohen, Carpen’s attorney, confirmed Friday afternoon that Carpen and UNC-Greensboro Chancellor Linda Brady signed the agreement earlier in the day.Three former university employees faced felony charges for allegedly falsifying time sheets.
Carpen, who was the manager and graphic artist in the University Relations Department, was fired and arrested in September for, UNCG said, using university equipment for freelance jobs.
With the settlement, a public hearing with the N.C. Office of Administrative Hearings in Raleigh will be avoided, meaning we probably have heard the last of Paul Mason, the controversial vice chancellor in the middle of controversy surrounding the firing of Carpen and two photographers from University Relations. Mason worked his last day at UNCG Feb. 6.