On the heels of Terry’s wonderful blog about yet another failure of public education, one has to wonder why legislators are not calling for massive resignations from the Department of Public Instruction?

Imagine if 4 out or every 10 miles of road were not drivable.  Would there be resignations from DOT?

Imagine if 4 out of every 10 immunizations at health departments were erroneous.  Would there be some disciplinary action?

What about 4 out of every 10 sheriffs’ deputies routinely arresting the wrong people? 

But when 4 out of every 10 students don’t finish school and competencies hover around 50% we still don’t point to the folks who have been in charge of curriculum and development for the past twenty years.

Resignations should pour from the pink palace faster than Jim Black can cop a plea.

I’ll be waiting for the press conference on this, but I doubt we’ll hear anything beyond, “we just need more money to fix it.”