I have two books that, recently at least, have gotten some good reading mileage. And, no, they have nothing to do with Harry Potter. However, both books are intended to prepare me for going back to school in a couple of weeks. The jury is still out on how well they are preparing me.
The first is called A Man’s Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines: 12 Habits to Strengthen Your Walk With Christ by Patrick Morley. I have been going through this book reading, about once a week, on the different disciplines that lead to a stronger walk. I highly recommend this book.
The other is a new book called Profiles in Audacity by Alan Axelrod. The book offers great insight into the decision-making process that led to some of history’s most important events. It’s fascinating to take a look at some of these decisions and how they came about, some simply by chance and others through great thought and patience.