Word has it that Greensboro City Council member Zack Matheny will not bring up a resolution opposing a bill that will place restrictions on municipal broadband at tonight’s meeting.
Again, I can’t fathom why the N&R still does not have yesterday’s article online. This is an important and potentially divisive issue, as indicated by reaction in the blogosphere from Ed Cone and Guarino (imagine that –they appear to be on opposite sides).
Yes!Weekly writes up the issue, noting “Winston-Salem is among municipalities that have gone on record in opposition to the legislation.” Jordan Green also has a priceless quote from Rep. Pricey Harrison, who “complained that the Republican-controlled legislature is rushing bad legislation through without ample debate.” Oh the irony.
You know how I feel —- municipal broadband is a certified money-loser and Greensboro would more or less be prostituting itself to build one in order to lure Google which —last I heard —has plenty of money.