I intended to comment on John’s column today (on the looming threat of government health officials insisting that people follow the proper diet and exercise regimen) and then I read Roy’s blog and realized that exactly the same point applies to both.
The point is one that Hayek made in Law, Legislation and Liberty (and probably earlier,too) on how once government officials begin to interfere in spontaneous orders, we find ourselves on a very slippery slope because there is no logical stopping place. Each interference with the free actions and interactions of people will have unanticipated consequences that will create the supposed need for more regulations, officials, taxes, and coercion.
Now that we have government in the business of paying for health care, we are on the slippery slope of increasing regulation of individual behavior, and I think Roy is right to fear that if we allow government funding of private educational options, we will find ourselves on a slippery slope of ever-increasing government control over private education.
Moral of the story: Don’t take that first step away from freedom.