Boy do you guys look like a bunch of conservative stiffs on this one….

Neil Young is one of the greatest song writers of our time. He has never placated to popular whims or public opinion polls – or even what might have been the best marketing opportunity for his career. He has ALWAYS been true to himself and his art – nothing more, nothing less.

He has worked tirelessly for the small family farmer in this country. He has raised millions and?given his own personal wealth to assist?disabled children and – understanding that?your postings are more about politics then about his?true talents?and contributions -?I bet you didn’t know that following 9/11?he wrote and recorded a song called ‘Let’s Roll!’ (a reference to Flight 93).

And Mitch – you know I love ya’ buddy – but check your info before going after someone on a public forum. Van Zant himself was one of Neil Youngs biggest fans. There was great admiration and mutual respect between him and Young. Van Zant often wore Neil Young t-shirts at his concerts. They had a political debate about race-relations issues of the day and they did it through their music. (First Young’s ‘Southern Man‘ then Skynyrd’s ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ then Young’s ‘Alabama‘.)

Debate is what it’s supposed to be all about – isn’t it? Free thought and self-expression? Name calling and slights on a persons career only minimize your own arguments. Maybe Young is hitting close to home to get?people so riled up like this. I too have expressed?criticisms of the President and have said that his lack of enforcement of our border – I thought – DID rise to the level examining Articles of Impeachment. Am I just ‘blasting a Republican President’?

What name calling and slights?might you have for me I wonder?