Please read Dan Way’s article from today’s CJ discussed below on a new study out of Utah State University that calculates the costs of North Carolinas coercive renewable energy policy. This is what is being done to us in the name of fighting “climate change,” which of course never occurred until humans started burning fossil fuels. What we need to remember is that back in 2007 when the bill was passed all but 5 Republicans voted for it and, likewise, in the current Republican controlled legislature there is plenty of opposition to repeal. In the meantime, there is also plenty of support for targeted corporate giveaways (can you say JDIG expansion?) to apparently offset the fiscal unattractiveness of doing business in NC. What do these two things have in common? They both harm existing business, are bad for the economy, and expand the power and scope of government. (See #2 in this newsletter) In politics the more things change the more they stay the same.
by Dr. Roy Cordato
Senior Economist Emeritus