I second the nomination of Roger Ebert for a spot on AskLooney.com. I remember the last Ebert review I read. It was his review of Gigli, in which he says,

But there is good stuff here. Affleck and Lopez create lovely characters, even if they’re not the ones they’re allegedly playing, and the supporting performances and a lot of the dialogue is wonderful. It’s just that there’s too much time between the good scenes.

Just for a point of reference, Eleanor Ringel Gillespie of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution said that Gigli was, “So bad it verges on the legendary.” Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle called the movie, “…the most thoroughly joyless and inept film of the year, and one of the worst of the decade.” I agree.

To paraphrase a line from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Ebert’s “engine is running, but nobody is behind the wheel.”