Meanwhile, Becki, the state director of Americans for Prosperity is taking Golden LEAF chief Dan Gerlach to task for his efforts to save foundation funding.
Here are excerpts from an e-mail AFP state director Dallas Woodhouse has sent to legislators:
Here is a person paid with taxpayer money from the tobacco settlement, engaging in a high priced game of taxpayer funding lobbying. He is attempting to ?sick the dogs? on you because on behalf of the taxpayers of North Carolina you dare to protect core services by intercepting the tobacco settlement funds.
The past 24-48 hours have made me sick to my stomach as Mr. Gerlach, has tried to cut any deal, fund any program and do anything he could so save the Golden Leaf slush fund. I am sure Golden Leaf has funded some worthwhile projects, (projects that could have, and can be in the future funded directly by the General Assembly through the normal funding process) but no one person should have this much control over hundreds of millions dollars.
It seems to me in laymen?s terms that the Golden Leaf Foundation is attempting to persuade (or bribe) you with taxpayer money.It is an offensive and a corrupt process. Several lawmakers held ?big check? delivery events in the months leading up to the November elections. With the election returns, it appears the projects have shifted in priority. I personally believe that since the November election, Golden Leaf has been scrambling to spend as much money as possible in republican held districts to shore up support for the foundation.
The Golden Leaf Foundation operates too far out of public sight, lacks transparency and accountability.
As the budget, debate moves forward I hope you will pay close attention to this unfair process of taxpayer funded lobbying by the Golden Leaf Foundation.