I disagree with Senator Berger.  There’s nothing
“representative” about the NC Senate.  When one party, or actually
a few legislators (or one legislator) control every aspect of the
legislative body, millions of North Carolinians aren’t being
represented because their Senators have no real voice.

When an
eminent domain amendment can’t get anywhere even though there is
bipartisan support (it passed the House 104-15), then there’s something
wrong with the Senate. 

The legislative rules, and
legislative leaders ignoring those rules when convenient, is the
biggest threat to our system of government–it is a systemic problem
that undermines the representative process.  This problem is
exacerbated by the fact that the legislature has far too much power,
and the executive branch has too little power.

As I’ve said in the past, NC is an oligarchy.  There’s no reason to be surprised when it acts like one.