Whomp! Thanks for hitting me upside on the head on this horror, Terry. I’d almost forgotten about it.

Bottomline, Clodfelter has spit out another “place holder” bill that is supposed to grease and motivate the over-arching tax commission stuff. Car dealers are now supposed to rush to make sure the real estate transfer tax is the preferred “tax reform” enacted by the ongoing criminal conspiracy that passes for state government.

If they do not — whoops! — your auto products are suddenly more expensive to millions of North Carolina consumers.

Talk about pay to play. Or play or pay. Bravo, Clod. You are a frickin’ genius.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some actual effective opposition to this stuff? Nope. Next up Ruth Samuelson and her Week of Atonement.

I’ll take one in the chamber to get this over with.