Boys, one tremendous aspect of baseball – not to the exclusion of all others, but to many – is that your success has less to do with your size than your skill.

I know there’s exceptions in every sport. Some short (6′) guys are in the NBA and some skinny (200 lb.) guys are in the NFL and NHL.

And there’s excpetions in baseball, too. Being tall can give one quite good leverage – thank you Randy Johnson – and Frank Thomas is just a monster of a man and a player. But most MLB players are not giants. And many are just plain scrappy.

The influx of steroids proves this point.

Steroids can only turn someone already in the big show into a superstar.

Steroids cannot turn an accountant (sorry, Dad) into an all-star. You gotta have the talent to already hit that itty, bitty ball coming at you at 90 miles an hour, before you can beef up and knock it out of the park with more regularity.