Senate Bill 20, Voter Owned Election for State Treasurer, is on the Senate floor today. Sen Andrew Brock, (R-Davie) proposes an amendment to get rid of the office of State Superintendent of Instruction. Sen Phil Berger, (R-Rockingham) sends a substitute amendment that would require a photo ID to vote and argues nothing could be more germane to an election bill. Sen Rules Chair, Tony Rand, (D-Cumberland) says it is not germane to the bill – Lt Gov Walter Dalton, (D-Rutherford), says it’s not germane. Berger asks for role call vote – looks like all Rs voted to overrule the decision and allow the amendment; all Ds voted no. Procedural questions, Dalton, Rand and Berger confer, ruling of chair sustained is before the body for a vote, to sustain wins 29 – 19.
Sen Brock’s amendment on getting rid of the State Superintendent of Education position fails with 18 voting yes; 30 voting no.
Sen Phil Berger asks about a fiscal note. Sen Doug Berger, (D-Franklin) says no there is no appropriation now. A follow up bill will address financing, with an intent to use private money but estimates $2 to 3 million but dances around the question of where the money will come from and how much it will be. P. Berger argues the state can hardly afford to be financing public campaigns but we don’t know where the money is coming for – $2 to 3 million that we don’t have.
Sen Martin Nesbitt, (D-Buncombe), says we have to do something now. As new laws say different groups cannot contribute to campaigns, it leaves fewer sources to run a statewide campaign. Unbelievably, they are looking at fees in some of these offices to put money in these campaign coffers.
Sen Eddie Goodall, (R-Union) says people don’t want to give up their money, just because candidates take the free money does not mean the program is successful. It’s bad public policy.
Sen Andrew Brock says this is no way to take money out of politics. Other outside groups, 527s, and political parties are still able to give unlimited money to campaigns. Election law needs to be reformed.
Appropriations Chair, Sen Linda Garrou, (D-Forsyth) moves to move the bill back to Appropriations Committee. And back it goes! Hopefully to never see the light of day and keep politicians’ campaigns away from taxpayers’ money.