JLF’s Terry Stoops has written reams of material about the importance of educational freedom and the empowerment of parents to chart their child’s educational life. To follow his analysis, just click here and sign up for Stoops’ free weekly newsletter . Thankfully, the last several years have been marked by massive educational reform in our state — and for that we owe a huge thank you to the reformers in the General Assembly who have not wilted under the vitriolic attacks spewed by progressive defenders of the status quo Big Education monopoly.
Now the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) has released a new report about the power of educational freedom to change the lives of girls and women. From IWF’s Vicki Alger:
Fortunately today, a growing education marketplace and new educational paradigms are benefiting women and society in general. More women than ever are pursuing advanced education, making use of flexible schedules, at-home education options, and other continuing education opportunities. Women are benefiting as educators from a more diversified education marketplace, with new opportunities to use their skills and earn a living with schedules, locations, and work environments that are suited to them. More parents than ever before are also participating in programs that allow them to choose their children’s schools and make use of other alternative education providers.
Yet more work needs to be done to fulfill Friedman’s promise.
Far too often expanding government instead of freedom is the default education policy “solution.” The unfortunate reality is that many government programs and policies—however well-intentioned—are limiting women’s freedom to learn, teach, and choose their children’s education providers. Policymakers should embrace Friedman’s advice and focus on returning control over resources to education consumers.
You’ll find IWF’s report here.