Biz Journal passes along N&O article reporting state transportation officials are finally looking to make good promises of a dedicated connector road to the N.C. Zoo:
As it is, when the zoo opens a new exhibit or holds a special event such as October’s “Boo at the Zoo” – or it’s just a warm holiday weekend – cars, vans and buses pour out of the zoo parking lots near closing time and their drivers try to head back north on N.C. 159. But they get stopped by the traffic light at the intersection with U.S. 64, where cars trying to turn left, to head toward Greensboro and Charlotte, stack up in the turn lane. Drivers hoping to turn right, toward Raleigh, are stuck waiting behind them.
Sometimes the line of vehicles stretches several miles and the wait is 90 minutes, long enough for people to call the zoo and complain, or to send angry emails or go on travel websites and post terse reviews.
Good news —only problem is plans call for a roundabout at the zoo entrance to keep traffic moving along N.C. 159.
JLF has been weighing in on roundabouts for years now, identifying them for what they are — a fad within the traffic planning profession that does little to alleviate congestion.
Hopefully planners will come with a solution that will appease residents along N.C. 159 who “complain as loudly as the drivers stuck in their cars with tired, hungry toddlers after a day in the park.”