The Charlotte Post teases out an intra-GOP tussle over redistricting between Rep. Patrick McHenry and state Rep. Ruth Samuelson. McHenry boasted to Politico a couple weeks back that with a new map “Republicans should pick up three seats under any fair and legal map” for a 9-4 GOP advantage in the congressional delegation and that, “Clearly, Reps. Kissell and McIntyre are serving their final term.”

That didn’t sound right to Samuelson:

I haven’t heard anything from members of the Redistricting Committee or people working on redistricting anything remotely close to what McHenry said. I was actually pretty appalled when I read it.

It is also kinda hard to see how the map makers could come up with districts that would cram the state’s Dems into only four districts — hard, but not impossible.