Remember Henrietta Hughes, who complained to President Obama on his Florida visit the other day that she didn’t have her own kitchen or her own bathroom.

Well, the wife of a Republican state representative in Florida has offered a three-bedroom house on three acres rent free. Now, I’m not sure that’s the best idea. Getting stuff free doesn’t teach much of a lesson. How about some nominal rent just to show Ms. Hughes that there is no free lunch? This is more of a handout than a hand up. Even Republicans sometimes “lead with their heart” instead of their heads, as her husband points out.

Also notice that that not once in the news report is it mentioned by the reporter that Nick Thompson is a Republican. Only the very small “(R)” shown briefly under his photo tips that off. Note, too, the reporter’s criticism of the property: “It’s not the biggest home, three bedroom-two bath, but it’s empty and available.” Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.