The Winston-Salem Journal’s doomsday scenario in the wake of the Republican override of Gov. Perdue’s budget veto:
The Republican majority that voters sent to the legislature last year has overridden Gov. Perdue’s veto and produced a budget for the coming two years. That’s the majority party’s right, just as it was the right of the Democrats who held the reins for so long.
That said, this budget is far leaner than Perdue’s, which was pretty lean itself. The Republican budget cuts too far. Our children will step backward at school. Our sick and infirm will have fewer avenues for help. Our public-safety agencies will lose resources.
….But this budget will force the immediate elimination of thousands of state-government and public-education jobs. Assistant principals who make schools work, academic support people, janitors, bus drivers and teachers are all being laid off. Employees in those jobs, and their families, will soon be without paychecks.
We’ve heard these doomsday scenarios before, especially in public education, yet they never come to pass. They always find the money somewhere.