Is this federally funded? Doofuses at U. Nebraska-Lincoln take the “Nature” side of the false dichotomy too far:
Politics may not be in the blood, but it could be in the genes. That’s the theory a team of political scientists and geneticists is trying to prove with extensive studies of twins, genes and brain scans.
Presumably, when criticized, they’ll say their theory is they can’t help themselves.
Joking aside, I expect that whatever their results, they’ll be seized upon ? and exaggerated ? by the diversityniks as “proof” of their “critical mass” garbage and use of race as proxy for ideas. Racial preferences in admissions and hiring hang on this flimsy idea, that people of different races bring to the classroom different ideas that otherwise the other students wouldn’t encounter, so that’s why universities need to discriminate on the basis of race. They’d love to bolster that idea with the soporific fog of Real Academic Research. So in that sense, this very silly research could be very dangerous to equal protection in the U.S.
By the way, a Duke researcher gives them what-for:
“The very idea that something like a political ideology could be heritable is incoherent,” said Evan Charney, assistant professor of public policy and political science at Duke University.