Well. What. A. Coincidence.

Election Day is November 2nd. The Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners are on the ballot. The Mecklenburg BOCC last night set the date for a public hearing on the on-going property tax revaluation for — November 3rd.

That will be when the public will be told that because the value of commercial real estate has crated and because the BOCC refuses to down-size county government after a decade of wild government growth, residential property tax bills for homeowners, aka voters, will be going up 10 to 20 percent in 2011. Minimum.

Commissioner Bill James is predicting a 30 percent hike for residential real estate. Do the math. Do you have an extra $700, $900, $1500 to send to Mecklenburg County government next year?

If not, you better not wait for November 3rd to roll around before you do something about it.

Bonus Observation: Oh, lookee here. There is a debate for at-large county commission candidates next week, filling the void left when the League of Witless Voters bailed. Speak Out Charlotte will tape the debate and broadcast it several times on cable access ahead of the election.