After the most exciting Super Bowl in NFL history, I’m greeted in this morning’s N&R print edition with a William C. Rhoden column complaining that the “No Fun League” got the matchup of dull quarterbacks in wanted:

So here we are: charming Brady and homespsun Manning. Nice stories. But dull.

That’s right. Dull.

…..We’re back to the stand-up, stand-still QB in the NFL.

Brady shuffles left and right and riddles defenses with darts, then rips them with an occasional long pass.

Manning, tough and strong, manages the offense and makes efficient throws.

But where is the pizzaz?

But Rhoden’s forced to backpeddle backpedal a bit in this morning’s online column.

Update: A little Schlosser moment above:

He often made editors cringe because of his misspellings and malapropisms — some of which would slip into the paper. Like the time he wrote equalitarian instead of egalitarian.

“I don’t remember them all, there were so many,” Schlosser said. “I quit going back and reading my stuff.”