
The rambling and incoherent response from Mecklenburg County Commission Chair Jennifer Roberts to the johnny-come-lately fiscal concerns of Taylor Batten makes clear that the county has no real fiscal plan or discipline. With the current crew in charge the only plan has been to spend as much as we can and hope for the best.

Specifically, Roberts defends throwing sacks of county money at CMS as proof that Mecklenburg is somehow different than Wake County. In a good way.

A much more effective response to Batten would have been for Roberts to ask when — if ever — the UPoR disapproved of the county’s wild spending habits. Opposed a bond, endorsed a fiscal conservative in a general election, argued against more spending and higher taxes. Anything. But that approach would’ve undercut a key line of agreement between Roberts, Batten, and indeed the entire status quo crowd — the need for additional local “resources” — that is taxes to you and me — to be stolen away by government.