Rockingham County blogger Jeff Sykes has been shouting out about the Rockingham County Democratic Party’s “inability to abide by state campaign finance laws over the past 18 months.”

Jeff’s even more frustrated by local media’s unwillingness to cover the story:

Why regional and local media have failed to pick up on this story is beyond me. I guess if the local Democratic Party sent them a press release, like the sheriff does, and spoon fed them the information, it would make the paper.

Somehow, I doubt that will happen.

Again, I’m amazed at the stories in this area that go unreported while every conceivable angle of $4-gallon gas is explored. Now, if the local Republican Party’s active status had been suspended, somehow I think a reporter could be spared from the gas beat.

Update: E-mail from Jeff Sykes:

I just received a call from Adam Reagan at 11:26 am. He said they received the RockCo Dems report this morning. He said, thus, they would not issue the active status termination letter (since it would have been reactivated when they filed the report) but that since the local party already received a fine waiver this election cycle they would be issuing a fine assessment in a week or so. They will have to pay both the waived fine and the new fine.