The Religion of Peace in action in Charlotte:

Samir Khan is the man behind — a radical Islamic site that praises Usama bin Laden and asks for Allah to “curse more American soldiers.”

The site posts videos of U.S. Humvees being blown up by roadside bombs in Iraq. It aims to inspire young Muslims to wage war against the West.

The reaction of one of his neighbors shows how far the moral-equivalence rot has progressed, even in the Queen City:

One of Khan’s neighbors, Ron Williams, also defended Khan’s right to free speech.

“Our actions (in Iraq) were interpreted broadly in the Muslim world as an attack on Islam,” Williams said, “I defend his right to speak out.”

It’s one thing to acknowledge Khan’s right to publish such a Web site. It’s another to push the Islamo-fascist spin on the matter. One wonders if Mr. Williams ever heard of 9/11.