High-profile developer Roy Carroll’s new downtown Gboro hotel get front page above the fold in Saturday’s N&R while rumors that he’s backing a new John Hammer publication gets buried on B9. Imagine that.

What is hard to imagine on the face of it is those two guys working together —Hammer is nobody’s lapdog and before the Rhino closed was all over Carroll’s former Centre Pointe neighbor, Mayor Robbie Perkins. And what is Carroll basing the market for a downtown hotel? You guessed it —Perkins’ pet project—the downtown performing arts center right around the corner. I don’t have to remind you the Rhino wasn’t buying into the PAC.

Then again maybe Carroll sees the handwriting on the wall for Perkins in the upcoming mayor’s race and will seek to turn over the City Council, for whom he didn’t exactly show the love in the heat of debate over the downtown noise ordinance.