In a column posted at, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio offers a report card on the Obama administration’s peformance.

Of course this president inherited a significant national debt, but over the last three years he’s made it worse by almost 50 percent For the first time since World War II, our debt is larger than our economy.

Of course this president inherited an economy where unemployment was too high, but over the last three years he’s made it worse. Today our unemployment rate is higher than the day he took office. And since he took over, it’s been stuck at over 8 percent each month.

While today he bemoans and blames Congress, Republicans and successful people for everything that’s wrong, the reality is that he and his party controlled the White House, Senate and House for his first two years in office. In that time, he got virtually everything he asked for, including a fiasco of a stimulus and ObamaCare.

The result? A debt-fueled over-expansion of government, unconstitutional and job-killing mandates, failed economic policies, broken promises and no plan to tackle our long-term challenges.

With this abysmal record, he will do whatever it takes to make this election about anything but his failed leadership. He is betting on a strategy that divides the American people into haves and have-nots, and uses class-warfare politics to prey on people’s uncertainty about the future.