As we watch and wait for more N&R shrinkage, unsuccessful state senate candidate Joe Wilson leaves an interesting comment over Cone’s:

The bigger question is without newspapers who will gather the news, period.

My personal wish for Christmas (besides world peace) is an unbiased, unflinching professional media outlet to expose the shenanigans that go on here everyday without relying on any news service except it’s own news bureau.

There are plenty of people willing to talk, as evidenced by the local blogosphere, just no one to report it fairly and professionally.

Until that happens we shall remain locked in the grip of the self serving minions of Melvin who don’t really want anything to change or grow here if they can’t get a piece of it.

Ever wonder why Raleigh and Charlotte are not suffering an equally severe economic downturn as we are?

I understand what he’s saying about media coverage of the ‘self-serving minions’ here in Greensboro, but I don’t get the contrast to Charlotte and Raleigh. Yes, they’re more prosperous cities, but I would argue that the minions there don’t get any more scrutiny than they do here. McClatchy’s been struggling for some time now, rendering the News and Observer and the Charlotte Observer incapable of of doing anything but rubber-stamping the power structure’s grand visions. Meck Deck will be glad to tell you what a bang-up job the “Uptown paper of record” is doing down in Charlotte.

It’s the same thing, just on a grander scale.

Update: At the other end of the scale, you have to wonder if there’s proper scrutiny of this stuff up in Asheville.