In the not-news, we have local governments recycling weirdness. Only the names have been changed:
- We’ve all heard the expression, “Where are they going, for I am their leader?” Here’s an example of “What are they doing so we may justify collecting revenues for it?” The Haywood County TDA has a 1% occupancy tax looking for a good home.
- Operation Medicine Drop events, no relation to Stop, Drop, and Enroll for those with the pre-existing condition of being legally dead (I borrowed that.), will be occurring in parts of Western North Carolina. The Henderson County Sheriff’s office will be collecting unused and unwanted portions of prescription drugs at 100 North Grove Street. I would recommend persons from Buncombe County take their drugs there, as I am not convinced the Asheville Police Department has trained its evidence not to walk.
- Here’s a good idea. The Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy wants the City of Saluda to take land off the tax rolls and out of the hands of those simple citizens who don’t know how to own land as well as government. They are entreating the good masters to own more parkland in Western North Carolina.