Oh, yes. We love to sue government. It is a great way to bite the hand that feeds one, when one is feeding oneself. Recently, there was that huge lawsuit where media outlets demanded the findings of the audit of the police evidence room. I must be out of the loop, as I don’t know what hidden agenda makes this worthwhile. Now, the League of Women Voters wants to sue the Buncombe County Commissioners for going into closed session to discuss repercussions for adding gender-bender persuasions to the list of classes protected from harassment by the county’s personnel manual. I would think bullying, except in some esoteric sense of oblique emotional destabilization, is a prosecutable offense, but what do I know? At least public meeting regular Lisa Landis, who claims false arrest, had the decency to ask members of Asheville City Council if they wanted her to burden taxpayers with a lawsuit.
by Leslee Kulba
Wild West blogger