The Buncombe County Commissioners awarded Linamar more economic development incentives. The first $10 million they gave was not enough, nor was the funding from the City of Asheville and the State of North Carolina. Linamar got another $4.5 million. A lesser-known company, Baldor Electric, also got $64,000. Any fool can plainly see it is economic development incentives that have sustained the economy through all the destruction. When companies learn they must rely heavily on the arm of government to pad their bottom line, we will truly have prosperity.
“Let’s don’t stop doing that. It’s important to the people of this community to keeping bringing jobs here,” [outgoing commissioner K. Ray Bailey] said, motioning to Republican commissioners–elect Joe Belcher and David King, who were in the audience.
Let’s drown in economic development incentives for companies that can’t run at a profit. I vote we triple taxes to pay for it all.