Clarice Feldman of the American Thinker explains how the recent high-profile protests have affected two other issues in the current political climate.
After watching hundreds (including Michigan Governor Whitmer and other political figures who placed the rest of us in lockdowns) marching, screaming shouting — without social distancing and often without masks — it’s going to be hard to persuade us that even normal social contact will infect us and those around us with COVID-19. After watching the police hamstrung by these same politicians as their cities were looted and burned and they and civilians were severely injured and killed, gun sales are soaring. Without law and order it’s each man for himself. With our biggest cities boarded up and devastated, flight out to red states, where people understand that without respect for law life is too brutal to endure, will snowball. …
… We’ve seen once again how the left has spread the lie that there is systemic racism in the U.S. — the least racist country — and a leader in western civilization. The West, after all, was the first place slavery — which still exists in many parts of the world — was eliminated. The statistical evidence disproves the myth of systemic police racism. …
… A number of people dubbed experts in epidemiology, who loudly warned we shouldn’t rush to reopen the country, spun on a dime in support of the rioters massing. If you really believe racial inequality is endemic, it’s hard to see how we could conquer COVID-19 in a time to fight what in any event appears to be a rapidly petering-out virus.
We’ll see. If hundreds of rioters and the useful idiots who marched with them come down with COVID-19, are these bien pensants wrong now when they say it’s okay to demonstrate in large crowds? If there’s no increase in COVID-19 cases after these tightly packed marauder marches, were they wrong then when they told us to stay locked down and away from crowds?