Quickly becoming the voice of the oppostion to high-priced school bonds, education analyst, Terry Stoops, addressed the astronomical price tag proposed by Wake County for new schools – $5.6 billion – with the Triangle Business Journal
In the latter portion of the article, many of the options for lowering
the cost of school construction listed can be traced back to Stoops’s
2005 Policy Report on the CMS bond.  Speaking of the CMS bond, NCEA director, Lindalyn Kakadelis was recently appointed to the School Building Solutions Committee
which will make recommendations to the County Manager and Board of
County Commissioners for a school capital package supported by the
community.  On WDFF – 88.5 FM, Lindalyn addressed the issue of
diversity requirements, an issue that refuses to play its penumbral
part in the student achievement debate.  And Pope Center director, George Leef, in a National Association of Scholars online forum,
writes that the literacy achievements of American adults continues to
decline, according to a recent study done by the National Assessment of
Adult Literacy.