One week after school bonds pass in Wake County and everything is back to ?normal.? Forget looking for innovation or cost savings; forget doing anything differently than before. Yesterday the Wake administrators publicly stated they would NOT move forward with the public/private partnership that would lease buildings from developers. That concept simply needed more study! Sounds like the same idea they have with Charter Schools. Everyone knows bureaucrats use the ole? ?study it more? ploy to kill an idea.
Here is the statement quoted from the school district?s chief facilities and operations officer:
?With $1 billion approved, we don?t have to commit to a lot more alternatives.  We have a very responsible and competent organization [in the school construction staff]. The board should rest very confidently on this organization.?  At least he is honest wanting the blind trust of Board Members. Wonder if the transportation department also asked for their trust?
In 2005, the morning after the bonds failed in Mecklenburg County I began to receive phone calls from folks on the bond campaign that finally wanted to go visit a charter school. Amazing the sky has not fallen in Mecklenburg County, life has continued after the defeat of the bonds. In fact, the system is moving ahead with priorities, but a little more cautious of spending other folks? money.

(h/t: FD