The first round of A-F grades for each North Carolina public school has attracted plenty of attention from parents, education activists, and the media. The N.C. Spin website and promoted John Locke Foundation Director of Research and Education Studies Terry Stoops‘ column outlining basic information about the new grades. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted that column in their daily press email, along with JLF Chairman John Hood‘s analysis of the grading system. Director of Education Outreach Lindalyn Kakadelis discussed the first set of grades with Lockwood Phillips on WTKF’s “Viewpoints Radio.”
In other education-related news, the Raleigh News & Observer interviewed Stoops for an article about cultural diversity in Wake County public schools. Stoops participated in an education policy panel for the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Raleigh program. The Kernersville News published Stoops’ column explaining that higher education spending levels offer no guarantee of improved student performance. Chapel Hill’s Daily Tar Heel interviewed Stoops for an article about the political prospects for President Obama’s education policy ideas. The N.C. Spin website and the Senate GOP promoted Stoops’ research newsletter on school testing.
The Fayetteville Observer interviewed Director of Fiscal Policy Studies Sarah Curry and Carolina Journal Executive Editor Don Carrington for an article about the future of state historic preservation tax credits. The Heritage Foundation’s “Insider Online” blog promoted Curry’s report on the credits, and cited Curry’s column emphasizing that state lawmakers made the right decision in allowing those credits to end this year.
A Durham Herald-Sun editorial touting election redistricting reform cited Hood’s support for the issue. A Laurinburg Exchange article on redistricting reform quoted Hood. N.C. Senate Republicans cited Hood’s column on the importance of government policies that promote freedom, along with a JLF news release on the new First in Freedom Index and CJ Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s article on court cases challenging the N.C. Department of Transportation’s use of the state Map Act.
WTVD Television interviewed JLF Director of Communications Mitch Kokai about the politics surrounding the N.C. Senate’s plan to cut the state gas tax in the short term while setting a new, higher floor for the gas tax rate. Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray offers expert analysis this evening on Time Warner Cable News’ statewide “Capital Tonight” program. Gray participated in a mock version of the “N.C. Spin” television show for a Future Farmers of America audience. WCNC Television interviewed Economics and Regulatory Policy Analyst Michael Lowrey about plans for a new runway at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
CJ Managing Editor Rick Henderson and JLF Director of Outreach Donna Martinez discuss the week’s top political news this weekend on Curtis Media Group’s syndicated “People In Politics” radio program. Gray continues twice-weekly appearances on WTSB Radio to discuss North Carolina’s latest political and public policy developments. Kokai discussed the week’s top state government news with Curtis Wright on WMYT Radio.
The N.C. Spin website and N.C. Senate Republicans cited Gray’s “Locker Room” blog entry on state budget projections. The Inside Philanthropy website listed JLF among the group’s involved in challenging key pieces of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.