After more back and forth between defense and prosecution on the proper procedure for accessing a HUD computer, suspended Greensboro police detective Scott “Scooter” Sanders’ fate is now in the hands of the jury. Expect a decision this afternoon, as juries like to get this stuff wrapped up before the weekend.
Meanwhile, the Rhino’s John Hammer says Sanders is really on trial “for being on the wrong side of a political battle between former Police Chief David Wray and Greensboro City Manager Mitch Johnson.”
I would say an acquittal —- and I think there’s a good chance of that —- will further erode our city manager’s credibility, but Johnson has no credibility. Another question is how will the N&R editorialists react? To ignore this high-profile case would erode their credibility, as if they have any, either. It would be tough for them to see their buddy Mitch Johnson take yet another hit; by the same token, saying justice was done in case of a conviction would alienate the few readers they have left.
Stay tuned.