Dr. Brian Joondeph uses an American Thinker column to ponder the ultimate goal of vaccine mandates.
Once upon a time President Joe Biden was against vaccine mandates. As president-elect in December 2020, he was asked, “Do you want vaccines to be mandatory?” His answer at the time seemed clear, “No I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.” But that was then, and this is now.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi agreed.
Last April, when asked about vaccine mandates, she made her position clear, “So—so here is the thing. We are—we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That’s just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn’t.”
Yet here we are, with Big Brother issuing this new edict. …
… Their rationale is to protect workers from themselves, “Unvaccinated workers are much more likely to contract and transmit COVID-19 in the workplace than vaccinated workers.”
Maybe, or maybe not.
According to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky in August, “Vaccines no longer prevent you from spreading COVID.”
This leads to several questions, which the corporate media seems uninterested in exploring or asking.
Why is this now suddenly an “emergency”? The vaccines have been available for almost a year and COVID has been with us for two years, yet now OSHA sees mandatory vaccination as an “emergency.”
Why are workers at companies with 100 employees at such risk while similar companies with 99 employees are not, such that the mandate does not apply to them? Does that one extra employee turn a business from a safe enterprise into a superspreading workplace? Not to worry though. The Surgeon General “suggests federal vaccine mandate could expand to small businesses.”
Are all businesses equal? Obviously, a business with all employees working in a single large room is different from one where employees are distant from each other, working outdoors or working remotely with little close contact.