Bob Bourke of Macon New Beginnings led a public meeting on the subject of, as the Macon County newspaper puts it, “how to solve the homeless population.” Of course, anybody reading this would say deregulation would make housing more affordable for all income levels. Surely a bungalow with a light bulb four inches from a closet door, or a window without screens, makes a nicer home than that wad of cloth the man on the street was sleeping under this morning.
The thoughtful article leads us to believe New Beginnings, a new homeless initiative, is somehow connected to the attempts to shut down The Father’s House, which was sheltering the homeless in conditions, better than that wad of cloth, but not up to code. Speaking of New Beginnings’ strategy, Bourke stated:
We need to find a solution for Macon County. Whatever you all, whatever the community thinks needs to be done for these members of our community, that’s what we at Macon New Beginnings wants to help make happen.
I guess that’s what they call the chains of addiction. I get a creepy feeling when I think of being homeless and having the community mind come together to shape my destiny. How many of these guys turn to the streets after turning to drinking because some nag at home can’t stand they way they breathe, tie their shoes, make a sandwich, etc., etc.? In fact, I am inclined to safely state it is efforts of one person to lord it over another that lead to a whole bunch of the world’s problems.