Americans need more color awareness training. Asheville City Hall and the Buncombe County Courthouse have been lit up magenta. I thought at first it was a nod to the Love Wins campaign, replacing the gay flag on city hall with the official gay Teletubby color, and using lights as was done on the White House. But since I heard no backlash, I thought maybe it had something to do with the first frost and Code Purple, an awareness campaign for the homeless on deadly cold nights. Well, somebody wrote to the local daily interpreting the magenta as pink and a great way to celebrate Pink October – in addition to the pink fire engine, which I just assumed had something to do with Code Pink. As it turns out, everybody is wrong. The awareness the magenta lights are supposed to be generating is about ending domestic violence.

The light-up also came with the announcement of $1.8 million in grants to support the new Family Justice Center project.