Does anyone see the irony in Charlie Rangel calling for a return to the draft. The headlines should read “African American Congressman Calls for Return to Slavery.” This is what the draft is, involuntary servitude plain and simple. Yet it is being talked about as if it were a legitimate and yes moral way gathering a labor force. Even people on the right are sympathetic to the idea. Tonight on The O’Reilly Factor, guest hosted by Laura Ingraham, Colonel David Hunt, someone who I always thought was more excited about going to war for freedom than actually having it, says he agrees with Charles Rangel but for different reasons. It seems that he supports selective slavery not for leftist egalitarian reasons but for right wing nationalistic reasons. Laura Ingraham and Frank Gafney both claim that they agree with the draft in principle (this could not be on any principle that our country was founded upon) but oppose it. Neither one of them made their reasons very clear. It seems like they thought it would create more problems than it would solve. Where are the libertarian voices? Milton Friedman is missed already.
by Locker Room contributor