Democratic N.C. Sen. Kay Hagan is setting up the blame-the-Republicans strategy for when the government shuts down. Of course, it’s because those damn Republicans won’t listen to reason and do what Hagan and her liberal Dem cohorts want:
“The American people did not elect me or anybody else in Congress to shut down the Congress,” Hagan said in a telephone news conference.
She said that on Wednesday she signed a letter, along with 16 self-described “moderate” Democratic senators, to Republican House Speaker John Boehner asking him to work with them to work to avoid a shutdown.
She said a shutdown would be be “most counter productive” to the nation’s economic recovery.
While calling for cooperation, Hagan also criticized proposed House Republican budget cuts saying it would cost 21,000 jobs in North Carolina, and would hurt the federally-funded Head Start program.
Work with us, she says, and then adds, but we don’t want anything to do with your stupid spending cuts. Now that’s cooperation.