After reading Terry’s post, my original thought, to spoof the glowing report of Glorious Restaurant built by “the people” (and still losing money, like its precedessor, almost as if their failures to attract private investment were prophetic).

To do so, given the goggle-eyed review, I thought I would post a picture of a project from another government planner: in this case, unrealized projects of Moscow architecture ? Soviet dream palaces that went unbuilt when the greater economic progress of the New Soviet Man turned out to be entirely false (so false, in fact, that socialists worldwide were forced to adjust, though not in a way a rational person would expect).

When, however, I saw the unbuilt Palace of the Soviets, I realized I had stumbled into yet another Separated-at-Birth post:

A few previous “Separated at Birth” entries: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.