My older daughter attends kindergarten at a public school in Wake County. Yesterday she brought home her work. She was coloring menoras.

Make no mistake, I’m not upset about that. I see nothing in the Constitution that would prohibit such an activity. Nevertheless, I can’t help pointing out the irony that such an activity falls under the rainbow/multicultural/besides-it’s-harmless banner, whereas a similar activity involving a baby in a manger wouldn’t ? it would be without question a religious imposition by the state, usurping children’s rights.

It’s an un-Constitutional violation of the separation of church and state! the ignoramuses would cry, unmindful that (a) the phrase is “wall of separation between church and state,” (b) the phrase is not found in the Constitution, but in Pres. Thomas Jefferson’s 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Assocation, and (c) Jefferson’s use of the full phrase and point of the letter was to show that because the Constitution had set up that wall, people in public places ? and public officials ? could practice their faiths and utter religious sentiments freely because their so doing would not constitute the establishment of a State Church (a point the president buttressed by closing that letter with a prayer).