Jennifer Rubin, writing in the Washington Post, highlight how conservative rhetoric often gets it wrong. A sample:

Third, hyperbole can make you sound like a nut. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) on Friday made this pronouncement: “Today is some of the darkest 24 hours in our nation’s history.” That is preposterous considering wars, stock market crashes, presidential assassinations, 9-11, natural disasters, riots and more. Speaking in such terms tells voters your priorities are screwy and your historical judgment is off-kilter.


Rubin’s other points are “the intensity with which one utters disapproval is not a measure of one’s conservative bona fides”, “disobeying the Supreme Court is not an option”, “conservatives cannot rely on appeals to authority”, “playing victim is unattractive”, “avoid calls to run head long into a brick wall”, and “understand when you are in the minority and when you are in the majority.”

H/t: RH