Shame, shame, shame on you. The Asheville Citizen-Times makes it very clear that government is doing everything in and outside its power to create jobs. For example, it hosted a gala right here in Asheville to educate governors. One item stressed was the need for better math and science education. Blah! I have a B.S. in math, and my boss doesn’t think I’m smart enough to even read a clock or compute a 10% price increase. When somebody asks for a quantitative analysis, they reject the numbers and want me to give them a pretty, smooth curve with zero error that would have to be based on unknown data and unreasonable equations. People today don’t want math and science. They want a bunch of numbers they can say a scientist developed with profound methods, to justify what they want people to believe, true or not.
But you evil, greedy taxpayers caused the unemployment rate to soar because you would not support more taxes to keep teachers employed. The state, of course, has implemented austerity measures, like making employees work in dark caves with only a small bowl of cold mush to eat a day. The governor walked all the way to Asheville in the scorching heat to address governors from the south. The meeting was in the old, rickety Grove Park Inn. Again, the governors only ate one small, cold bowl of mush, and they had to sleep outside in the mosquitos, with no netting.
Beverly Perdue is helping create jobs by visiting schools and asking kids what they want to do after school. If they want to be successful, they will practice lobbying.
Feeling guilty? If not, you had better know that enrollment at AB Tech is way, way up. If you want any hope of redemption, you had better approve the levy of a quarter-cent sales tax on yourself so teachers don’t have to memorize the text of the only book available, and students don’t have to complete assignments on boxes rummaged from dumpsters. It will be very cold for students sitting in the snow this winter trying to learn.
The highly-independent, fair and objective Mountain Xpress concurs (1, 2).