Bla blah blah. Bla.

  • Supporters of football for UNCC UNC Charlotte will gather at the Belk Tower tomorrow night for a march to the chancellor’s home to draw attention to their cause. Bring cash. Lord knows that is what talks in this town.
  • Still wondering how BofA is gonna talk Merrill Lynch execs into moving to Charlotte. Oh that’s right, they won’t. Forget all the talk of ML running BofA’s private wealth op from the inside as if nothing had changed. I give it a couple quarters before Ken Lewis starts chopping away. Very little of ML will be left. It is the BofA way. Think the Borg.
  • Don’t look now, but CMS may have missed student enrollment growth projections for this year by one-half to one-third. Again. Enrollment is barely growing at CMS, which is sitting at 134,000 students. This is a huge deal we’ll have to follow.
  • Boy, Joe Biden is really lighting up the campaign trail, uh? That crowd over at Berry this weekend was barely awake. And “Bush 44” — that’s really the best Joe can do? Someone get Neil Kinnock on the phone for a re-write.
  • The Perils of Truth — Newspaper editor calls readers of a bridge column “cranky retirees who have time on their hands.” Great start, then ruined by an apology. Why?

That should do for now….Oh look! A shiny thing!