And I thought yesterday’s AP entry into propping up the president and his health care debacle was ridiculously obsequious. This one makes the much-derided Iraqi Information Minister look like Encyclopaedia freaking Britannica:

Canceled Policies Could Be a Plus for New Markets

Insurance cancellations are fueling a political backlash against President Barack Obama and Democrats supporting his health care overhaul, but they may be a silver lining for the law itself.

It’s Economics 101, a little-noticed consequence of a controversial policy decision. And there are winners and losers.

Millions of people who currently buy their own health insurance coverage are losing it next year because their plans don’t meet requirements of the health care law. Experts say the resulting shift of those people into the new health insurance markets under Obama’s law would bring in customers already known to insurers, reducing the overall financial risks for each state’s insurance pool.

That’s painful for those who end up paying higher premiums for upgraded policies. But …

Yeah, to hell with all those people losing their insurance, those 129 million Americans, that vast majority, that 68 percent. Your focus should be on what helps the law itself. And “Economics 101” is a … consequence or something, yeah, that’s it.

Stop complaining about all the train wrecks around the nation, dammit, and think about the buses!